Find out how to lead your project to success


Find out how to lead your project to success

This e-book will help you at any stage of your project and will lead you from an idea on a napkin to fundraising and unit economics.

As we are working with a lot of startups in various spheres we have mentioned that sometimes there are some blind spots for the founders in managing a new product. So we have collected the best practices and a bunch of useful information and advice to help you on the way to success.


Take a look at the chapters of our e-book to understand if you need it.

  • An idea on a napkin
    Ideas come to us all the time, but someone just brushes them off and forgets in a few minutes, while others carefully write them down and continue to dream. However, some do not leave the idea “on a napkin” but bring it to life. Let’s see what you can do to give your idea a successful start.
  • Top-5 mistakes starting an IT project
    In many ways, the success of a project depends directly on your approach and attitude.
    Even the most ideal project with an authentic and awesome idea can be littered. Let's look at the main reasons for the failure of the project.
  • What is hypothesis testing
    These days being fast and effective is paramount. Lots of aspiring entrepreneurs are building startups in order to create useful and profitable products. That’s why nowadays it is vital to validate the idea of your product as soon as possible. You must ensure that the idea behind your product will help it grow into a successful project. Numerous startups fail at the start. To survive in this reality you should launch a product fast, analyze how it works, quality check it with users, and decide whether to bury it or continue developing your product in the way you are positioning it in the market.
  • Unit-economics
    One of the main reasons for the “death” of a business in the first year of operation is the lack of correct calculations and forecasts of the profitability of its product. The consequence of this is that the company is running out of money. The survival of a business primarily depends on the decisions made. To do this, you need a tool that allows you to clearly see the impact of your decisions on business development. Unit economics is just such a tool. As a rule, it is used to evaluate the profitability of a startup business idea, but it will also be useful for a mature business.
  • Fundraising
    Let's take a look at fundraising. How to attract investment and create FOMO at different stages of your startup. In a broader perspective, we are going to cover all the ways to raise capital.
  • What is prototype
    What is a prototype? Types of prototypes. Why is a prototype important to your project? A prototype is simplified modeling of the final product. Like any drawing begins with a sketch, any large project is first schematically embodied in a prototype. The main principle is “simple and clear”.

  • How to create your first MVP
    We'd like to guide you on how we develop a typical MVP for a project from scratch. How to start from an idea to a reasonable implementation of your product.
  • OKR (Objectives and Key results methods)
    Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a goal-setting system based on the point that for each given goal, there should be a number of measurable results (metrics) that would show how well the goal is achieved. It is an uncomplicated approach to get employees engaged and to build an organization around measurable yet ambitious goals.
  • Prioritization and working with a backlog
    What is a backlog, why do you need it, how to make and manage it properly.

Who we are?

The HF-Solution team includes highly qualified software developers, BA, QA engineers, UX/UI designers, and software architects. We have more than 300 professionals onboard. Each member of the team has at least five years of experience.
Since 2016

developing solutions for business
153 projects

successfully released and helped our clients to increase sales
10 percent

of projects are patented and are developed under strict NDAs
300+ professionals

to choose from for the needs of your project
Product Management Guide
and learn all the best practices to rocket your project